Business News

Mubas ICT students challenged to be innovative

TNM chief executive officer Michel Hebert has called on final-year Information Technology students at the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) to enter the industry with passion, creativity, and an adaptive as these qualities are essential for succeeding in the evolving IT sector.

He made the remarks on Thursday during the students’ symposium held at Game Haven in Thyolo District, where the students showcased various innovative projects.

Makonde showcases her project to Hebert.

“In whatever you do, you must serve the customer. Solve the customer’s problem or provide a clear customer benefit. Make it easy to use and trustworthy. IT serves the business, the business does not serve IT.

“Businesses are looking for people who know the language. Know what motivates the business leaders. You should master the skill of solving CEOs’ problems,” he said.

Hebert further urged the students to always learn and try new things, experiment and diversify their experiences. 

“You are only at the beginning of a wonderful journey. The road is bumpy. You must adapt and always move forward. You can never stop learning until the journey ends decades from now,” he said.

One of the students, Melinda Makonde, who developed smart glasses for visually impaired individuals, high lightened that her project will enable visually impaired people to detect objects in front of them.

“The glasses have sensors that enable people with visual impairments to sense their environment through object detection and audio feedback, which are incorporated into the system,” she explained, noting how this innovation could enhance the independence of visually impaired users.

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